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说到家里的水,安全是关键. You simply cannot risk your family depending on water that poses any sort of danger to your well-being. As you explore 水软化剂解决方案 and products for your home, examining the safety of your various options makes sense.

While softening your water may be crucial to protecting your pipes and appliances, 这一过程需要大量的盐. 虽然这听起来令人担忧, 放心,软水对您和您的家人来说是绝对安全的. 理解这个过程会帮助你找到内心的平静.


The increase in your water’s sodium levels depends on the quality of the water coming into your home. Even if you have extremely hard water and rely on massive amounts of salt to soften it, 专业人士知道如何确保你的水是安全的. Achieving the best possible outcome for the water will leave it delightfully soft and safe to drink.

硬水方程是复杂的. 在寻找理想水的过程中,有许多变量在起作用. 你家的水源, budget, equipment options, home size, 你的家人的愿望都是创造一个理想系统的因素. Your water professional will play with all of the variables and guide you to the best possible hard water solutions.

最好的结果是什么? 安全、可饮用、柔软的水.

Soft Water FAQ

Here are some of the top questions people ask while exploring water solutions for their homes.

Can I Drink Soft Water?

Generally, yes. The hardness of your water will determine the amount of sodium needed to displace the hard elements in your water. For most water, the amount of salt required to soften the water will leave the water coming out of your tap perfectly safe to drink.

在极少数情况下,水是非常硬的, your system might require an excessive amount of salt to achieve soft water. In this instance, you will need an additional filtration system to remove the excess salt before you drink the water. 如果你的水被归类为“极硬”,” this is an excellent point of discussion to bring up with your professional water team.


对于大多数身体健康的人来说,答案是否定的. In fact, soft water can have health benefits such as improving hair texture and skin clarity.

对于高血压患者来说,答案就有点复杂了. 钠会自然升高你的血压. The amount of sodium in softened water creates an inconsequential increase for most people. However, drinking water with added sodium can have potential health consequences for people with elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to long-term damage to the kidneys, eyes, and heart.

如果你有高血压, 首先和你的医生和水专家谈谈. The solution could be as simple as installing an additional filtration system to tackle the sodium problem.


水合作用对你的健康非常重要,原因有很多. 而且,当你的水味道好时,你会喝更多的水. Enjoying the taste of your water is an important goal when you invest in a water solution.

品味是个人的,所以这不是一个放之四海而皆准的答案. 软水比硬水味道好. 镁和钙会导致不好的味道. 一旦这些矿物质被移除, you will notice a dramatic improvement in the taste of your drinking water. Some people are more acutely aware of the taste of sodium from a water softener. If you have a water softener but still don’t like the taste of your water, consult with your water team to add additional filtration to achieve a taste you enjoy.


While sodium levels in softened water are perfectly safe in almost every situation, 有些人仍然喜欢低钠水平. A 反渗透系统 对于担心钠的人来说,这是一个很好的解决方案吗. While it won’t tackle your entire home, it can purify the water that you drink.

Reverse osmosis technology is a wonderful solution for a variety of reasons. The process applies pressure to your water to force it through a semipermeable membrane. 膜只允许水分子通过,其他的就不行了. Trace molecules, including minerals, contaminants, and sodium, are removed from the water. Installing a 反渗透系统 at your water tap will give you pure, clean, 不含钠的水,你可以放心饮用.

水是保持身体健康的重要元素. And while it is wise to understand the health and safety implications of softened water, 没有必要担心. Whether you plan to use a water softener on its own or in tandem with additional filtration or 反渗透系统s, 你可以指望水龙头里流出的水是安全和健康的.